This is a running index to all the White House press release briefing files that have been uploaded to Exec-Pc. My thanks to Charlie Lembach for these uploads. The items listed below are the contents of the Subject.txt files that are contained in each of the daily WHxxxxxx.ZIP files. All the briefing .ZIP files begin with the two letters WH. The next six(6) characters are the date in the form of YYMMDD. Therefore to download the file that contains the file 3-17B.TXT you would need to specify WH930317.ZIP. It is my goal to keep this index file updated as new briefing files are uploaded. Mark Slocomb Exec-Pc 3-17A.TXT: AM Press BRiefing by Dee Dee Myers 3.17.93 3-17B.TXT: President's Remarks: American Ireland Foundation Dinner 3-17C.TXT: Press Briefing by GEorge Stephanopoulos 3.17.93 3-17D.TXT: President's Remarks: Annual Presentation of Bowl of Shamrocks 3-17E.TXT: Background Briefing on Haiti -- 3.16.93 3-17F.TXT: President's Remarks: Annual Presentation of Bowl of Shamrocks 3-17G.TXT: Press Briefing by GEorge Stephanopoulos 3.17.93 3-17H.TXT: Background Briefing on Haiti -- 3.16.93 3-18A.TXT: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 3.18.93 3-18B.TXT: President's Remarks to Treasury Employees 3.18.93 3-18C.TXT: President's Schedule 3.19.93 3-18D.TXT: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 3.18.93 3-18E.TXT: Two Press Releases on Today's Nominations 3.18.93 3-18F.TXT: President's Schedule for March 18, 1993 3-18G.TXT: Press Release on Today's Nominations 3.17.93 3-19A.TXT: President's Remarks at Breakfast with Members of Congress 3-19B.TXT: President's Remarks on Departure for Atlanta 3-19C.TXT: Public Schedule 3-19D.TXT: Today's Nominations 3-23A.TXT: Pamela Herriman Nominated to be Ambassador to France 3-23B.TXT: Summer Jobs Program 3-23C.TXT: Transcript of the President's Press Conference 3-23D.TXT: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 3/23/93 3-24A.TXT: President's Remarks to Democratic Governors 3-24B.TXT: Radio Address 3/20 3-24C.TXT: National Agricultural Day 3-24D.TXT: U.S. Statement on Yeltsin Speech 3-24E.TXT: Public Schedule of the President 3-24F.TXT: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 3/22/93 3-24G.TXT: Stephanopoulos Saturday Briefing 3-24H.TXT: Stephanopoulos Briefing 3/22/93 3-24I.TXT: Today's Appointments 3/22/93 3-24J.TXT: PM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 3/22/93 3-24K.TXT: Public Schedule 3/22/93 3-24L.TXT: AM Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 3.24.93 3-24M.TXT: President's Remarks at Photo Op w/ Foreign Minister Kozyrev 3-24N.TXT: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 3.24.93 3-24O.TXT: President's Remarks at Photo Op with Nat. Council of Churchs 3-24P.TXT: Interview of the President by Dan Rather 3-25A.TXT: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 3.25.93 3-25B.TXT: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 3.25.93 3-26A.TXT: President's Remarks in Call to Sens Mitchell & Sasser 3-26B.TXT: President's Remarks in Photo Op w/ Dorsey High School CU 3-26C.TXT: PM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 3.25.93 3-26D.TXT: President's Remarks at Greek American Reception 3.25.93 3-26E.TXT: Greek Independence Day Proclamation 3.25.93 3-26F.TXT: Today's Appointments 3.25.93 3-26G.TXT: Public Schedule for 3.26.93 3-27A.TXT: Today's Nominations 3.26.93 3-27B.TXT: 'Revolution' Team appointmetns 3.26.93 3-27C.TXT: Background Briefing on Serbia 3-27D.TXT: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 3.26.93 3-27E.TXT: Clinton-Kohl Press Availability 3.26.96 3-27F.TXT: President's Radio Address 3.27.93 4-1a.txt: Background Briefing on Yeltsin Summit 3.31.93 4-1b.txt: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 3.31.93 4-1c.txt: Combating Narcotics 4-1d.txt: Child Immunization Act of 1993 4.01.93 4-1e.txt: Prepared Text for Speech on Russia 4.1.93 4-1f.txt: Immunization Fact Sheet 4.1.93 4-1g.txt: President's Remarks at Photo Op w/ Bipart. Cong. Leadership 4-1h.txt: Summary of Immunization - Section by Section 4.1.93 4-1i.txt: Transcript of Remarks by the President at Naval Acad. 4-1j.txt: President's Speech to Am. Soc. of Newspaper Editors 4-2a.txt: President's REmarks in Q&A with National Ass. of Broadcasters 4-2b.txt: President names Four to Top Justice Posts 4.2.93 4-2c.txt: President Names Senior Appointees 4.2.93 4-2d.txt: President's Opening REmarks at Forest Conference 4.2.93 4-3a.txt: Text of President's Closing Remarks at Forest Conference 4-3b.txt: President's Remarks at end of Round Table One 4.2.93 4-3c.txt: VP Gore's Opening REmarks at Forest Conference 4.2.93 4-4a.txt: President's Remarks in Vancouver 4.3.93 4-4b.txt: President Declares Disasters in Nebraska and New York 4-5a.txt: Press Availability With Russian Press 4.4.93 4-5b.txt: Background BRiefing in Vancouver 4.4.93 4-5c.txt: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 4.5.93 4-5d.txt: Public Schedule of the President 4.5.93 4-5e.txt: President's Remarks on Trip to Baltimore 4.5.93 4-6a.txt: President's Remarks in Photo Op with Pres. Hosni Mubarak 4-6b.txt: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 4.6.93 4-6c.txt: Press Conference - Presidents Clinton and Mubarak 4.6.93 4-6d.txt: Background Briefing on Egypt 4-6e.txt: President's Schedule for 4.7.93 4-7a.txt: AM Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 4.7.93 4-7b.txt: President's Remarks at Bill Signing, Aviation Commission 4-7c.txt: Statement by the President on the Aviation Commission 4-7d.txt: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 4.7.93 4-7e.txt: Today's Appoinments Announced 4.7.93 4-7f.txt: President's Public Schedule 4.8.93 4-8a.txt: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 4.8.93 4-8b.txt: President's Budget Message 4-8c.txt: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 4.8.93 4-8d.txt: On the Record Budget Briefing 4.8.93 4-8e.txt: President Names Treasury Officials 4.8.93 4-12a.txt: Remarks by the President & First Lady at Easter Egg Roll 4-12b.txt: President's Remarks at Signing of Immunization Proclamation 4-12c.txt: Hackney, Shapiro Named to NEH 4-12d.txt: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 4.12.93 4-12e.txt: President Names FERC Commissioners 4-12f.txt: President Names Molitoris to Head Rail Road Agency 4-12g.txt: President's Remarks to Technology Reinvestment Project 4-12h.txt: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 4.12.93 4-12i.txt: Town Hall Meeting on Job Training 4.13.93 4-12j.txt: USIA Foreign Media Reaction -- Daily Digest 4.12.93 4-13a.txt: President's Public Schedule 4.13.93 4-13b.txt: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 4.13.93 4-13c.txt: President's Remarks at Jefferson Memorial 4.13.93 4-13d.txt: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 4.13.93 4-13e.txt: Public Events on the President's Schedule 4-13f.txt: President to Nominate Carter for Nuclear Security Post 4-14a.txt: President's Remarks at Town Hall Meeting 4-14b.txt: Clinton Names Avent as Liaison to DC Area Governments 4-14c.txt: President's Remarks at Summer Jobs Conference 4.14.93 4-14d.txt: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 4.14.93 4-14e.txt: President Names Officials at Transp., Comm., Defen., OPIC 4-15a.txt: War Powers Resolution on Bosnia 4.14.93 4-15b.txt: President's Public Schedule 4.15.93 4-15c.txt: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers -- 4.15.93 4-15d.txt: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 4.15.93 4-15e.txt: Remarks to Law Enforcement Leaders 4-15f.txt: VP Gore Joins Students in Orlando for 1st Kids Earth Summit 4-15g.txt: Press Release on USIA Appointments 4-15h.txt: President's Trip to Pittsburg 4-16a.txt: Presidents's REmarks in Photo Op with PM Miyazawa 4-16b.txt: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 4.16.93 4-16c.txt: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 4.16.93 4-16d.txt: Clinton - P.M. Miyazawa Joint Press Availability 4-16e.txt: President Names Appointments at Energy and Education 4-16f.txt: Background Briefing on Japan 4.16.93 4-17a.txt: President's Radio Address 4.17.93 4-17b.txt: President's Remarks to the People of Pittsburgh 4.17.93 4-17c.txt: President's Radio Interview in Pittsburgh 4.17.93 4-19a.txt: National Service Week - 4.19.93 4-19b.txt: President's Remarks to U. of Maine Black Bears Hockey Team 4-19c.txt: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 4.19.93 4-19d.txt: President's Remarks to Trade & Construction Unions 4-19e.txt: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 4.19.93 4-19f.txt: Press release on "Clipper Chip" encryption initiative 4-19g.txt: Presidential Statement on Waco 4-19h.txt: PM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 4.19.93 4-19i.txt: Public Schedule 4.20.93 4-20a.txt: Remarks by the President: Teacher of the Year Award 4-20b.txt: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 4.20.93 4-20c.txt: Remarks by the President on Waco w/ Q&A 4.20.93 4-20d.txt: President's Remarks in Photo Op with Vaclav Havel 4-20e.txt: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 4.20.93 4-21a.txt: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 4.21.93 4-21b.txt: Karen Nussbaum to Head Women's Bureau 4-21c.txt: Public Schedule 4.21.93 4-21d.txt: President Nominates John Dalton as Secretary of the Navy 4-21e.txt: President's Remarks in Earth Day Speech 4.21.93 4-21f.txt: First Lady's Remarks at National Youth Services Ceremony 4-21g.txt: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 4.21.93 4-21h.txt: President's Remarks at Holocaust Museum Opening Reception 4-21i.txt: President's Remarks on Departure from North Portico 4-22a.txt: Executive Order on Ozone Depletion 4-22b.txt: Public Schedule for 4.22.93 4-22c.txt: Executive Order on Alternative Fuel Vehicles 4-22d.txt: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 4.22.93 4-22e.txt: Message to Congress on the Educate America Act 4-22f.txt: Section-by-Section Analysis of Goals 2000 Educate America Act 4-22g.txt: Six Major R&D Initiatives Included in President's FY'94 Bdgt 4-22h.txt: President's Remarks at Opening of Holocaust Museum 4-22i.txt: President Nominates Durham to Energy Post, Flynn to Vatican 4-22j.txt: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 4-22k.txt: President's Remarks at Cancer Society Awards Ceremony 4-22l.txt: President's Public SChedule 4.23.93 4-23a.txt: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 4.23.93 4-23b.txt: President's Press Conference 4.23.93 4-23c.txt: On Advancing U.S. Relations with Russia 4.23.93 4-25a.txt: Today's Nominations 4.23.93 4-25b.txt: President's Statement on the Death of Cesar Chavez 4-25c.txt: RADIO ADDRESS BY THE PRESIDENT 4.24.93 4-25d.txt: President's Statement on Unemployment 4.24.93 4-25e.txt: Text of the President's Speech in Boston 4.25.93 4-25f.txt: Clinton Administration Table of Accomplishments - 100 Days 4-25g.txt: The First 100 Days of the Administration of President Clinton 4-25h.txt: 1st 100 Days: Accomplishments of Vice President Al Gore 4-26a.txt: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 4.26.93 4-26b.txt: President's Remarks in Q&A Session in Boston on 4.25.93 4-26c.txt: President's Statement on Biological Survey 4.26.93 4-26d.txt: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 4.26.93 4-26e.txt: President's Remarks on the Election in Russia 4.26 4-26f.txt: President's Schedule for April 27, 1993 4-27a.txt: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 4.27.93 4-27b.txt: President's Remarks to National Realators Association 4-27c.txt: J. H. Gibbons Testimony on Information Infrastructure 4-27d.txt: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 4.27.93 4-27e.txt: President's Remarks to North Carolina & Texas Basketball Tms. 4-28a.txt: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 4.28.93 4-28b.txt: President's Remarks on Appointment of Lee Brown 4-28c.txt: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 4.28.93 4-28d.txt: Mrs. Gore's Schedule for 4.29.93 4-28e.txt: Energy and Education Nominations 4.28.93 4-28f.txt: Transcript of Photo Op with NGA Health Care Group 4-28g.txt: Public Events on the President's Schedule 4.29.93 4-29a.txt: President names Levitt Chairman of the SEC 4-29b.txt: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 4.29.93 4-29c.txt: President's Remarks at Photo Op with House Ways & Means 4-29d.txt: Proclamation on the Death of Cesar Chavez 4-29e.txt: President's Remarks to Justice Dept. Employees 4.29.93 4-29f.txt: Members of Airline Commission named 4.29.93 4-29g.txt: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 4.29.93 4-29h.txt: Remarks by the Secretary Of State 4.29.93 4-29i.txt: Remarks by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff 4.29.93 4-30a.txt: Clinton to Unveil National Service Plan on 100th Full Day 4-30b.txt: President's Remarks to the Press Pool 4.30.93 4-30c.txt: President and 1St LAdy's Remarks at Reception for HCTF 5-1a.txt: President's Radio Address May 1, 1993 5-1b.txt: President's Remarks at Benjamin Franklin High School 5-1c.txt: President's Remarks on the National Service Initiative 4.30 5-1d.txt: Press Briefing by the Secretary of State W. Christopher 5-1e.txt: Delegation to Tambo Funeral 5-1f.txt: Statement on Death of Sri Lanka President 5.1.93 5-1g.txt: National Day of Prayer 5-1h.txt: Loyalty Day, 1993 5-1i.txt: LAw Day, U.S.A., 1993 5-3a.txt: Public Schedule for May 3, 1993 5-3b.txt: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 5.3.93 5-3c.txt: President's Remarks at Phot Op with Gov. of Hong Kong 5-4a.txt: Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month 5-4b.txt: Tony Lake's Remarks as Prepared for Delivery 5.3.93 5-4c.txt: Statement of George Stephanopoulos 5.3.93 5-4d.txt: Asian American Heritage REmarks by the President 5.3.93 5-4e.txt: President's Public SChedule 5.4.93 5-4f.txt: Press Briefing by Geroge Stephanopoulos 5.3.93 5-4g.txt: Paper on Empowerment Zones & Enterprise Neighborhoods 5-4h.txt: President's Remarks in Conference Call on Enterprise Zones 5-4i.txt: Background Briefing on Enterprise and Empowerment Zones 5-5a.txt: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 5.4.93 5-5b.txt: AM Press Briefing by Dee Dee Myers 5.5.93 5-5c.txt: Remarks by the President to Gen. Johnston & Staff 5.5.93 5-5d.txt: President's Remarks at Photo Op w/ Bipartisan Leadership 5-5e.txt: Press Briefing by George Stephanopoulos 5.5.93 5-5f.txt: Presidents's Remarks at Democratic Dinner 5-5g.txt: Sri Lanka Funeral Delegation 5-5h.txt: President's Remarks at Ceremony for National Nurses Week 5-5i.txt: President Names Raphel for South Asian Post 5-5j.txt: President Names Hayashi to Civil Rightd Post at HHS 5-5k.txt: President's Public Schedule for May 6th, 1993